Idea of Nation State is active result of social contract. Institution are the base of this idea. Nation States are built for society, not for person, community, religion or family or particular group. If some one or some organisation think that they were, are and will be the savior of the nation State than its mockery of Nation State , which is sovereign. Nation State is and should be always be pursued to be under constant danger both from within and outside. Institutions of Nation State are threat to the very idea of Nation State if they are unchecked. Hence fathers of modern democracy(US) introduced checks(Jeffersonian Democracy). Nation State is built for society as whole , but with time power tends to concentrate in hands of very few; be it in hands of politician, executive, be it in judiciary or oligarchs. The greatest threat to Democracy are Demagogues and Un/under checked executive. Most of dictatorial tendency , as world history has noted , is from Executive. Hence its necessary to protect society from the Executive who have sweeping power be its President, be its PM , CM or secretaries of any country.
Dualistic Democracy emerged to this new challenge. Its also true that for South Asia, Democracy has always been idealistic "Jumla"(Hindi word for Simile). Its true that Nation Builders never built Nation State to concentrate power. Distributing and diffusing power were meridian ideas of Democratic Nation State. But with time ideologies have got degenerated and Nation States now revolves not around citizens but around power. This is due to the acts of those who rule in the name of people. Athenian Democracy was the only Democracy which was near to what Democracy is all about; all others seems to be "Jumla". South Asian democracies tend to have become "Jumla". Demagogue, messiah, family, group etc are player in this "Jumla". Dualistic Democracy is one step to check this "Jumla". Having said that, we cant fully rely on this action as , this effort is also by the people who decide "In the name of people". Most of us have become part of "Boiling frog Syndrome". First Gods ruled us, we never asked; then Kings came who ruled as sons of god; then nobles and aristocrats ruled us in our name; now neo-aristocrats (be it particular family or particular group or mother group or hand few of people at executive level) rule us, all in the name of people. These people build cult at the expense of State, institution and citizen. This has always been tactic of demagogues and power centrist executive be its PM,CM or others, of any nations.
Yesterdays (13 th May 2015) judgement of Supreme court(Indian) that tax payer money must not be used for govt advertisement which has photos other than President, PM and CJI, is a-well coming decision. we seems to be moving towards actual democracy; Democracy by and for Citizens. Ask yourself, when Nation State has asked consent of yours, to change the frame work. Ask your self are we following "Rule of Law" or "Rule by Law". From Boiling frog syndrome it can be asserted that we are in "Rule by Law" and "Law" in India or most countries is created by handful of Parliamentarians and by Bureaucracy ; who both are not foolproof. System will never be perfect; most of time its "JUMLA" , Democracy by Judiciary(Dualistic Democracy) is small corrective mechanism to make this "Jumla" to walk the talk. It important that we need to move towards "Rule of Law" . Judiciary need to be strengthen , because historically no one has stopped executive to degenerate into dictatorial messiah. We as citizens are far more supreme than "Rulers in others Name", because it "We The People" who have adopted constitution Not the "Who Rule in the Name of Others".
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