Can any of the sustainable development goals be achieved without a complete change in economic thinking?
Yes Economic model have failed; these were the very same model that made Developed world the "DEVELOPED World". These were the same models that made US a super power. These were the same model that made EU a prosperous region. Back Then , these were expectable for every one. But thing take time , time to show up glitch in the system . One of the first such glitch was ozone hole. The same economics has not include most part of world till 1990s. World realised lately about disparity, destruction and duality of economics. But is it evil then; No , its not.
SDG has in its plan: ending of poverty, education, inclusion, equity, health, agriculture , urban development, energy , governance .... all these need economics but with the taste of sustaining it for long time. Yes , for this sustaining character of development we need to change economics . Development must have to come under frame work of planetary boundaries. It needs a touch of nature. Its easy to provide Economics to few people. But distributing it among huge number is the greatest challenge. Its classic case of "scarcity" , which in itself is Economics. If we were in a system that provided us unlimited supply of resource than The same old Economics would have been hailed as victor; But world is not plentyful in-front of human desire . Economics was victor for West but not any more. West has realised that its not in hypothetical world of unlimited resource. We in developing economies has seen things changing from : 1 hr daily electricity, with once in 15 days water from municipality, from no phone , no laptop in 1997(as for as i remember at my place)... to 24 hr electricity, once in 4 day s water, 3 smart phone,4 normal mobile, a land line, 2 laptops, a desktop in the same place by 2014. This is gift of the very Economics which is being blamed. My people enjoy this development which world has started to scrutinise, we need it ; but not with same face. We need development that last for longer time, say till 2050 or till my grand or great grand children or score of generation to come . We need Economics that has Sustainability and inclusiveness as its core values .
Answer depends on ; to whom you ask and
conditions of the asked. This might sound vogue. But take Kyoto Protocol
itself. US , the richest country and most vibrant country never
ratified it, where as EU has done well to implementing protocol.
Country like India and china even stumbled from voluntary
reduction. Development is dream of every country be its a failed state
like Somalia or be a developed states as OECD countries. No one wants
"NO DEVELOPMENT". This developmental question has been
answered from time to time via industrial revolution, IT revolution, telecom revolution any many more. Countless people vows their developmental stories to this very model which you is in question. A
farmer in Nigeria or India can hold on to mobile phones ; a
health worker can access internet in Bangladesh; a developmental worker can download developmental plan on his mobile in Malawi; Ghana cocoa farmer can check international price of cocoa on the internet. These technologies are the product of the very Economics that is being questioned about. Problem is not with Economics but its with implementation and model of
Its easy to be rhetoric but being solutionist is real challenge.
Sustainable development is that challenge and above question is one
element in it. What was Economics way back in 19th century ; no one
knew "Economics". Model emerged during industrial revolution. But
question arises, whether economist deliberately added elements of
in-equality , poverty , environment degradation etc. Saying "YES"
to this is over stretching of statement. But their is a peculiar
behaviour that Humans exhibit; that is to adapt and change as on when
required. We have changed earth to an extent never imagined before. Human is prone to make mistake but we correct over-self. We are slow in it, but we have done it; Montreal protocol is
example, Hockey stick curve development of green energy is another.
Human are not as foolish as economy is!!!!.Yes Economic model have failed; these were the very same model that made Developed world the "DEVELOPED World". These were the same models that made US a super power. These were the same model that made EU a prosperous region. Back Then , these were expectable for every one. But thing take time , time to show up glitch in the system . One of the first such glitch was ozone hole. The same economics has not include most part of world till 1990s. World realised lately about disparity, destruction and duality of economics. But is it evil then; No , its not.
SDG has in its plan: ending of poverty, education, inclusion, equity, health, agriculture , urban development, energy , governance .... all these need economics but with the taste of sustaining it for long time. Yes , for this sustaining character of development we need to change economics . Development must have to come under frame work of planetary boundaries. It needs a touch of nature. Its easy to provide Economics to few people. But distributing it among huge number is the greatest challenge. Its classic case of "scarcity" , which in itself is Economics. If we were in a system that provided us unlimited supply of resource than The same old Economics would have been hailed as victor; But world is not plentyful in-front of human desire . Economics was victor for West but not any more. West has realised that its not in hypothetical world of unlimited resource. We in developing economies has seen things changing from : 1 hr daily electricity, with once in 15 days water from municipality, from no phone , no laptop in 1997(as for as i remember at my place)... to 24 hr electricity, once in 4 day s water, 3 smart phone,4 normal mobile, a land line, 2 laptops, a desktop in the same place by 2014. This is gift of the very Economics which is being blamed. My people enjoy this development which world has started to scrutinise, we need it ; but not with same face. We need development that last for longer time, say till 2050 or till my grand or great grand children or score of generation to come . We need Economics that has Sustainability and inclusiveness as its core values .
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