Friday, 13 June 2014


Engineered Chaos

About ISIL

ISIL or ISIS must be seen as movement, a movement whose ideology is anti-thesis to modern establish ideology. ISIS is up, as an actor of Huntington's "Clash Of Civilisations". Post 2006, PM of Iraq has done a little to establish viable,secure, secular state. The way in which ISIS got support is typical example how Hobbesian solutionist get support to come out of "State of Nature". Taliban came to power in the similar condition. Hobbesian solution of restoring order can be worked out by small well organised militia, however post order, holding and governing such state(which require resource and motivation)will be a failure. It is temporary reactionary phenomenon for instability brought out by Iraqi government. Most people saw it coming, engineering a state post chaos is daunting task. Maliki government has repeatedly and willingly failed to respect world's suggestion. Whole region is being pushed for Three Nation Theory , one being controlled by Sunnis,one by Shia, and last by Kurds. This chaos will also see conflicting forces such as Iranians, Saudi , Americans, Western market forces coming together and battling it out.